Key English French
$lang["common_email_invalid_format"] The email address is not in the correct format. Le format de l'adresse courriel est incorrect.
$lang["common_export_csv"] CSV Export Exportation CSV
$lang["common_export_csv_no"] No Non
$lang["common_export_csv_yes"] Yes Oui
$lang["common_fields_required_message"] Fields in red are required Les champs en rouge sont requis
$lang["common_first_name"] First Name Prénom
$lang["common_first_name_required"] First Name is a required field. Le prénom est requis.
$lang["common_first_page"] First Premier
$lang["common_gender"] Gender Genre
$lang["common_gender_female"] F F
$lang["common_gender_male"] M M
$lang["common_icon"] Icon Icône
$lang["common_id"] ID Identifiant
$lang["common_import"] Import Importation
$lang["common_import_change_file"] Change Changer
$lang["common_import_csv"] CSV Import Importation CSV
$lang["common_import_full_path"] Full path to CSV file required Chemin complet vers le fichier CSV requis
$lang["common_import_remove_file"] Remove Supprimer