Key English Georgian
confirm_search You have selected one or more rows, these will no longer be selected after your search. Are you sure you want to submit this search? You have selected one or more rows, these will no longer be selected after your search. Are you sure you want to submit this search?
correct_errors Please correct identified errors before saving Please correct identified errors before saving
email_invalid_format The email address is not in the correct format. The email address is not in the correct format.
fields_required_message Fields in red are required Fields in red are required
first_name_required First Name is a required field. First Name is a required field.
import_full_path Full path to CSV file required Full path to CSV file required
last_name_required Last Name is a required field. Last Name is a required field.
learn_about_project to learn the latest information about the project. to learn the latest information about the project.
no_persons_to_display There are no people to display. There are no people to display.
please_visit_my Please visit the Please visit the
powered_by Powered by Powered by
software_title Open Source Point of Sale Open Source Point of Sale
total_spent Total Spent Total Spent
view_recent_sales View Recent Sales View Recent Sales
welcome_message Welcome to OSPOS, click a module below to get started. Welcome to OSPOS, click a module below to get started.
zip Postal Code Postal Code