Key English German (Switzerland)
$lang["config_allow_duplicate_barcodes"] Allow Duplicate Barcodes
$lang["config_barcode_formats"] Input Formats
$lang["config_barcode_tooltip"] Warning: This feature can cause duplicate items to be imported or created. Do not use if you do not want duplicate barcodes.
$lang["config_cash_decimals"] Cash Decimals
$lang["config_cash_decimals_tooltip"] If Cash Decimals and Currency Decimals are the same then no cash triggered rounding will take place, unless Cash Rounding is set to Half Five.
$lang["config_cash_rounding"] Cash Rounding
$lang["config_category_dropdown"] Show Category as a dropdown
$lang["config_currency_code"] Currency Code
$lang["config_customer_reward"] Reward
$lang["config_customer_reward_duplicate"] Reward must be unique.
$lang["config_customer_reward_enable"] Enable Customer Rewards
$lang["config_customer_reward_invalid_chars"] Reward can not contain '_'
$lang["config_customer_reward_required"] Reward is a required field
$lang["config_date_or_time_format"] Date and Time Filter
$lang["config_default_item_columns"] Default Visible Item Columns
$lang["config_default_origin_tax_code"] Default Origin Tax Code
$lang["config_default_receivings_discount"] Default Receivings Discount
$lang["config_default_receivings_discount_number"] Default Receivings Discount must be a number.
$lang["config_default_receivings_discount_required"] Default Receivings Discount is a required field.