Key English
$lang["config_barcode_third_row"] Row 3
$lang["config_barcode_tooltip"] Warning: This feature can cause duplicate items to be imported or created. Do not use if you do not want duplicate barcodes.
$lang["config_barcode_type"] Barcode Type
$lang["config_barcode_width"] Width (px)
$lang["config_bottom"] Bottom
$lang["config_cash_decimals"] Cash Decimals
$lang["config_cash_decimals_tooltip"] If Cash Decimals and Currency Decimals are the same then no cash triggered rounding will take place, unless Cash Rounding is set to Half Five.
$lang["config_cash_rounding"] Cash Rounding
$lang["config_center"] Center
$lang["config_comma"] comma
$lang["config_company"] Company Name
$lang["config_company_change_image"] Change Image
$lang["config_company_logo"] Company Logo
$lang["config_company_remove_image"] Remove Image
$lang["config_company_required"] Company name is a required field
$lang["config_company_select_image"] Select Image
$lang["config_company_website_url"] Company website is not a valid URL (http://...).
$lang["config_country_codes"] Country Codes
$lang["config_country_codes_tooltip"] Comma separated list of country codes for nominatim address lookup.
$lang["config_currency_decimals"] Currency Decimals