Key English Dutch (Belgium)
$lang["config_barcode_number_in_row"] Number in row Aantal per rij
$lang["config_use_destination_based_tax"] Use Destination Based Tax Activeer 'Destination Based Tax'
$lang["config_dinner_table_enable"] Enable Dinner Tables Activeer Restomode
$lang["config_customer_reward_enable"] Enable Customer Rewards Activeer Spaarpunten
$lang["config_address"] Company Address Adres
$lang["config_general"] General Algemene
$lang["config_general_configuration"] General Configuration Algemene Instellingen
$lang["config_all_set"] All file permissions are set correctly! All permissies zijn correct ingesteld!
$lang["config_cash_decimals_tooltip"] If Cash Decimals and Currency Decimals are the same then no cash triggered rounding will take place, unless Cash Rounding is set to Half Five. Als cash en currency precies niet hetzelfde zijn dan zal er geena afronding gebeuren.
$lang["config_email_receipt_check_behaviour_always"] Always checked Altijd aan
$lang["config_print_receipt_check_behaviour_always"] Always checked Altijd aangevinkt
$lang["config_email_receipt_check_behaviour_never"] Always unchecked Altijd uitgetikt
$lang["config_print_receipt_check_behaviour_never"] Always unchecked Altijd uitgetikt
$lang["config_mailchimp_key_successfully"] API Key is valid. API sleutel is geldig.
$lang["config_mailchimp_key_unsuccessfully"] API Key is invalid. API sleutel is ongeldig.