Key English Romanian
$lang["config_invoice_enable"] Enable Invoicing
$lang["config_invoice_printer"] Invoice Printer
$lang["config_invoice_type"] Invoice Type
$lang["config_is_readable"] is readable, but the permissions are incorrectly set. Please set it to 640 or 660 and refresh.
$lang["config_is_writable"] is writable, but the permissions are incorrectly set. Please set it to 750 and refresh. is writable, but the permissions are higher than 750.
$lang["config_jsprintsetup_required"] Warning: This functionality will only work if you have the FireFox jsPrintSetup addon installed. Save anyway?
$lang["config_language"] Language
$lang["config_last_used_invoice_number"] Last used Invoice Number
$lang["config_last_used_quote_number"] Last used Quote Number
$lang["config_last_used_work_order_number"] Last used W/O Number
$lang["config_left"] Left
$lang["config_license"] License
$lang["config_license_configuration"] License Statement
$lang["config_line_sequence"] Line Sequence
$lang["config_lines_per_page"] Lines per Page
$lang["config_lines_per_page_number"] Lines per Page must be a number.
$lang["config_lines_per_page_required"] Lines per Page is a required field.
$lang["config_locale"] Localization
$lang["config_locale_configuration"] Localization Configuration
$lang["config_locale_info"] Localization Configuration Information