Key English Romanian
$lang["config_msg_uid"] SMS-API Username
$lang["config_msg_uid_required"] SMS-API Username is a required field
$lang["config_multi_pack_enabled"] Multiple Packages per Item
$lang["config_none"] none
$lang["config_notify_alignment"] Notification Popup Position
$lang["config_number_format"] Number Format
$lang["config_number_locale"] Localization
$lang["config_number_locale_invalid"] The entered locale is invalid. Check the link in the tooltip to find a valid locale.
$lang["config_number_locale_required"] Number Locale is a required field.
$lang["config_number_locale_tooltip"] Find a suitable locale through this link.
$lang["config_os_timezone"] OSPOS Timezone:
$lang["config_ospos_info"] OSPOS Installation Info
$lang["config_payment_options_order"] Payment Options Order
$lang["config_perm_risk"] Incorrect permissions leaves this software at risk. Permissions higher than 750 leaves this software at risk.
$lang["config_phone"] Company Phone
$lang["config_phone_required"] Company Phone is a required field.
$lang["config_print_bottom_margin"] Margin Bottom
$lang["config_print_bottom_margin_number"] Margin Bottom must be a number.
$lang["config_print_bottom_margin_required"] Margin Bottom is a required field.
$lang["config_print_delay_autoreturn"] Autoreturn to Sale delay