Key English Tagalog
dinner_table_required Table is a required field. Table is a required field.
dot dot dot
email_mailpath Path to Sendmail Path to Sendmail
email_receipt_check_behaviour Email Receipt checkbox Email Receipt checkbox
email_receipt_check_behaviour_always Always checked Always checked
email_receipt_check_behaviour_last Remember last selection Remember last selection
email_receipt_check_behaviour_never Always unchecked Always unchecked
email_smtp_crypto SMTP Encryption SMTP Encryption
email_smtp_timeout SMTP Timeout (s) SMTP Timeout (s)
email_smtp_user SMTP Username SMTP Username
enforce_privacy Enforce privacy Enforce privacy
enforce_privacy_tooltip Protect Customers privacy enforcing data scrambling in case of their data being deleted Protect Customers privacy enforcing data scrambling in case of their data being deleted
financial_year Fiscal Year Start Fiscal Year Start
gcaptcha_tooltip Protect the Login page with Google reCAPTCHA, click the icon for an API key pair. Protect the Login page with Google reCAPTCHA, click the icon for an API key pair.
giftcard_number Gift Card Number Gift Card Number
giftcard_random Generate Random Generate Random
giftcard_series Generate in Series Generate in Series
include_hsn Include Support for HSN Codes Include Support for HSN Codes
info_configuration Store Information Store Information
integrations Integrations Integrations