Key English Tagalog
$lang["config_category_dropdown"] Show Category as a dropdown
$lang["config_image_allowed_file_types"] Allowed file types
$lang["config_image_max_height_tooltip"] Maximum allowed height of image uploads in pixels (px).
$lang["config_image_max_size_tooltip"] Maximum allowed file size of image uploads in kilobytes (kb).
$lang["config_image_max_width_tooltip"] Maximum allowed width of image uploads in pixels (px).
$lang["config_image_restrictions"] Image Upload Restrictions
$lang["config_is_readable"] is readable, but the permissions are incorrectly set. Please set it to 640 or 660 and refresh.
$lang["config_os_timezone"] OSPOS Timezone:
$lang["config_receipt_show_tax_ind"] Show Tax Indicator
$lang["config_report_an_issue"] Report an issue
$lang["config_timezone_error"] OSPOS Timezone is Different from your Local Timezone.
$lang["config_user_timezone"] Local Timezone:
$lang["config_floating_labels"] Floating Labels
$lang["config_input_groups"] Input Groups
$lang["config_login_form"] Login Form Style
$lang["config_theme_preview"] Preview Theme: