Key English Chinese (Simplified)
all_set All file permissions are set correctly! All file permissions are set correctly!
apostrophe apostrophe apostrophe
bottom Bottom Bottom
receiving_calculate_average_price Calc avg. Price (Receiving) Calc avg. Price (Receiving)
center Center Center
company_change_image Change Image Change Image
comma comma comma
country_codes_tooltip Comma separated list of country codes for nominatim address lookup. Comma separated list of country codes for nominatim address lookup.
company_logo Company Logo Company Logo
currency_decimals Currency Decimals Currency Decimals
decimal_point Decimal Point Decimal Point
invoice_default_comments Default Invoice Comments Default Invoice Comments
dot dot dot
invoice_enable Enable Invoicing Enable Invoicing
invoice Invoice Invoice
invoice_email_message Invoice Email Template Invoice Email Template
invoice_printer Invoice Printer Invoice Printer
invoice_configuration Invoice Print Settings Invoice Print Settings
left Left Left
license License License