Key English Croatian
account_number Account # IBAN:
account_number_duplicate Account Number is already present in the database. Ovaj IBAN već postoji
cannot_be_deleted Could not delete selected customers, one or more of the selected customers has sales. Ne može se obrisati odabranog kupca, jer jedan ili više odabranih kupaca imaju prodaju.
company_name Company Naziv tvrtke
confirm_delete Are you sure you want to delete the selected customer(s)? Želite li obrisati odabranog kupca?
csv_import_failed CSV import failed Greška kod uvoza iz CSV-a
csv_import_nodata_wrongformat The uploaded file has no data or is incorrectly formatted. Your uploaded file has no data or wrong format
csv_import_partially_failed Customer import successful with some failures: Most Customers imported. But some were not, here is the list
csv_import_success Customer import successful. Import of Customers successful
customer Customer Kupac
discount Discount Discount
error_adding_updating Customer add or update failed. Greška kod dodavanja/ažuriranja kupca
import_items_csv Customer Import from CSV Učitaj kupce iz csv datoteke
new New Customer Novi kupac
none_selected You have not selected any customer(s) to delete. Niste odabrali nijednog kupca za brisanje
one_or_multiple Customer(s) Kupac(i)
successful_adding You have successfully added customer Uspješno ste dodali kupca
successful_deleted You have successfully deleted Kupac je uspješno obrisan
successful_updating You have successfully updated customer Podaci o kupcu su uspješno ažurirani