Key English Indonesian
account_number Account # Akun #
account_number_duplicate Account Number is already present in the database. Nomor akun ini telah ada di basis data.
available_points Points Available Poin tersedia
average Average spent Rata-rata yang dihabiskan
avg_discount Average discount Rata-rata diskon
basic_information Information Informasi
cannot_be_deleted Could not delete selected customers, one or more of the selected customers has sales. Pelanggan terpilih tidak bisa dihapus. satu atau lebih dari pelanggan yang dipilih memiliki penjualan.
company_name Company Perusahaan
confirm_delete Are you sure you want to delete the selected customer(s)? Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus pelanggan yang dipilih?
confirm_restore Are you sure you want to restore selected customers(s)? Anda yakin akan mengembalikan pelanggan terpilih?
consent Registration consent Persetujuan pendaftaran
consent_required Registration consent is a required field. Persetujuan pendaftaran adalah bidang yang harus diisi.
csv_import_failed CSV import failed Gagal impor CSV
csv_import_nodata_wrongformat The uploaded file has no data or is incorrectly formatted. Berkas yang Anda unggah tidak berisi data atau salah format.
csv_import_partially_failed Customer import successful with some failures: Impor pelanggan berhasil dwngan beberapa kesalahan:
csv_import_success Customer import successful. Impor pelanggan berhasil.
customer Customer Pelanggan
date Date Tanggal
discount Discount Diskon