Key English Indonesian
$lang["customers_stats_info"] Stats Statistik
$lang["customers_mailchimp_status"] Status Status
$lang["customers_taxable"] Taxable Dikenakan pajak
$lang["customers_tax_code"] Tax Code Kode pajak
$lang["customers_tax_id"] Tax Id ID Pajak
$lang["customers_csv_import_nodata_wrongformat"] The uploaded file has no data or is incorrectly formatted. Berkas yang Anda unggah tidak berisi data atau salah format.
$lang["customers_total"] Total spent Total
$lang["customers_update"] Update Customer Ubah Pelanggan
$lang["customers_mailchimp_vip"] VIP VIP
$lang["customers_none_selected"] You have not selected any customer(s) to delete. Anda belum memilih pelanggan untuk dihapus.
$lang["customers_successful_adding"] You have successfully added customer Anda telah berhasil menambah pelanggan
$lang["customers_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted Anda telah berhasil menghapus pelanggan
$lang["customers_successful_updating"] You have successfully updated customer Anda telah berhasil memperbarui pelanggan