Key English Romanian
account_number Account # Cont #
account_number_duplicate Account Number is already present in the database. Numarul de cont exista deja in baza de date.
available_points Points Available Puncte disponibile
average Average spent Cheltuit mediu
avg_discount Average discount Reducere medie
basic_information Information Informatii
cannot_be_deleted Could not delete selected customers, one or more of the selected customers has sales. Nu se pot sterge clientii selectati, unul sau mai multi din clientii selectati au vanzari.
company_name Company Companie
confirm_delete Are you sure you want to delete the selected customer(s)? Sunteti sigur ca doriti stergerea clientului selectat/clientilor selectati?
confirm_restore Are you sure you want to restore selected customers(s)? Sunteti sigur ca doriti restabilirea clientului selectat / clientilor selectati?
consent Registration consent Confirmare Inregistrare
consent_required Registration consent is a required field. Confirmare Inregistrare este un camp obligatoriu.
csv_import_failed CSV import failed Importare CSV esuata
csv_import_nodata_wrongformat The uploaded file has no data or is incorrectly formatted. Fisierul incarcat nu contine date sau are format incorect.
csv_import_partially_failed Customer import successful with some failures: Importare client cu succes avand cateva esecuri:
csv_import_success Customer import successful. Importare cu succes Client.
customer Customer Client
date Date Data
discount Discount Reducere