Key English Chinese (Simplified)
$lang["customers_csv_import_failed"] CSV import failed CSV导入失败
$lang["customers_email_duplicate"] Email Address is already present in the database. email地址已被使用
$lang["customers_import_items_csv"] Customer Import from CSV Import customers from CSV sheet
$lang["customers_csv_import_partially_failed"] Customer import successful with some failures: Most Customers imported. But some were not, here is the list
$lang["customers_csv_import_nodata_wrongformat"] The uploaded file has no data or is incorrectly formatted. 上传文件没有数据或者格式不正确
$lang["customers_basic_information"] Information 个人信息
$lang["customers_discount_type"] Discount Type 优惠类型
$lang["customers_confirm_delete"] Are you sure you want to delete the selected customer(s)? 你确定要删除选定的客户?
$lang["customers_confirm_restore"] Are you sure you want to restore selected customers(s)? 你确定要恢复选定的客户?
$lang["customers_company_name"] Company 公司名字
$lang["customers_available_points"] Points Available 可用积分
$lang["customers_employee"] Employee 员工
$lang["customers_customer"] Customer 客戶
$lang["customers_one_or_multiple"] Customer(s) 客戶
$lang["customers_average"] Average spent 平均花费
$lang["customers_total"] Total spent 总支出
$lang["customers_none_selected"] You have not selected any customer(s) to delete. 您还没有选择任何客户进行删除
$lang["customers_taxable"] Taxable 應課稅
$lang["customers_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted 成功刪除
$lang["customers_csv_import_success"] Customer import successful. 成功导入客户