Key English Chinese (Simplified)
$lang["customers_successful_adding"] You have successfully added customer 成功新增客户
$lang["customers_successful_updating"] You have successfully updated customer 成功更新客户
$lang["customers_discount"] Discount 折扣
$lang["customers_discount_percent"] Percentage Discount 折扣率
$lang["customers_new"] New Customer 新客戶
$lang["customers_cannot_be_deleted"] Could not delete selected customers, one or more of the selected customers has sales. 无法删除选定客户,选定的客户存有销售记录。
$lang["customers_date"] Date 日期
$lang["customers_update"] Update Customer 更新客戶
$lang["customers_error_adding_updating"] Customer add or update failed. 添加/更新客戶错误
$lang["customers_tax_id"] Tax Id 税ID
$lang["customers_tax_code"] Tax Code 税代号
$lang["customers_account_number"] Account # 账号 #
$lang["customers_account_number_duplicate"] Account Number is already present in the database. 账号已存在