Key English Tagalog
$lang["employees_subpermission_required"] Add at least one grant for each module. Add at least one grant for each module.
$lang["employees_change_password"] Change Password Change Password
$lang["employees_permission_desc"] Check the boxes below to grant access to modules. Check the boxes below to grant access to modules.
$lang["employees_current_password"] Current Password Current Password
$lang["employees_password_not_must_match"] Current password and new password must be unique. Current password and new password must be unique.
$lang["employees_current_password_invalid"] Current Password is invalid. Current Password is invalid.
$lang["employees_employee"] Employee Employee
$lang["employees_error_adding_updating"] Employee add or update failed. Employee add or update failed.
$lang["employees_successful_adding"] Employee add successful. Employee add successful.
$lang["employees_one_or_multiple"] employee(s) employee(s)
$lang["employees_language"] Language Language
$lang["employees_new"] New Employee New Employee
$lang["employees_repeat_password"] Password Again Password Again
$lang["employees_unsuccessful_change_password"] Password change failed. Password change failed.
$lang["employees_successful_change_password"] Password change successful. Password change successful.
$lang["employees_password_required"] Password is required. Password is required.
$lang["employees_password_must_match"] Passwords do not match. Passwords do not match.
$lang["employees_permission_info"] Permissions Permissions
$lang["employees_system_language"] System Language System Language
$lang["employees_cannot_be_deleted"] Unable to delete selected employee(s), one or more of the has processed sales or you are trying to delete your account. Unable to delete selected employee(s), one or more of the has processed sales or you are trying to delete your account.