Key English Chinese (Simplified)
basic_information Information 員工基本資料
cannot_be_deleted Unable to delete selected employee(s), one or more of the has processed sales or you are trying to delete your account. 無法刪除選定的僱員,選定的員工中已有銷售紀錄或你正在試圖刪除自己 :)
confirm_delete Are you sure you want to delete the selected employee(s)? 你確定要刪除所選的員工嗎?
employee Employee 員工
error_adding_updating Employee add or update failed. 添加/更新員工錯誤
error_deleting_demo_admin You can not delete the demo admin user. 您不能刪除admin用戶
error_updating_demo_admin You can not change the demo admin user. 您不能更改admin用戶
login_info Login 員工登錄資料
new New Employee 新員工
none_selected You have not selected any employee(s) to delete. 您還沒有選擇任何員工進行刪除
one_or_multiple employee(s) 員工
password Password 密碼
password_minlength Password must be at least 8 characters in length. 密碼需為八個字元以上
password_must_match Passwords do not match. 密碼與確認密碼不一致
password_required Password is required. 請輸入密碼