Key English Chinese (Traditional)
one_or_multiple employee(s) 員工
password Password 密碼
password_minlength Password must be at least 8 characters in length. 密碼需為八個字元以上.
password_must_match Passwords do not match. 密碼與確認密碼不一致.
password_not_must_match Current password and new password must be unique. 當前密碼和新密碼一致。
password_required Password is required. 請輸入密碼.
permission_desc Check the boxes below to grant access to modules. 勾選後授予使用該模組功能.
permission_info Permissions 員工權限
repeat_password Password Again 確認密碼
subpermission_required Add at least one grant for each module. 為每個模塊添加至少一項撥款.
successful_adding Employee add successful. 新增員工資料成功.
successful_change_password Password change successful. 密碼更改成功。
successful_deleted You have successfully deleted 成功刪除員工資料
successful_updating You have successfully updated employee 成功更新員工資料
system_language System Language 系統語言
unsuccessful_change_password Password change failed. 密碼更改失敗。
update Update Employee 更新員工
username Username 帳號
username_duplicate Employee username is already in use. Please choose another one.
username_minlength Username must be at least 5 characters in length. 帳號必需為五個字元以上.