Key English Chinese (Simplified)
number Gift Card Number must be a number. 禮金券編號需為數字
number_information Gift Card Number 禮金券編號
number_required Gift Card Number is a required field. 請輸入禮金券編號
one_or_multiple Gift Card(s) 禮金券
person_id Customer Customer
quantity Quantity 數量
quantity_required Quantity is a required field. Please close (X) to cancel. 數量是必填字段。請按關閉(X)來取消
remaining_balance Gift Card {0} remaining value is {1}! Giftcard {0} remaining value is {1}!
reorder_level Reorder Level 補貨點
retrive_giftcard_info Retrieve Gift Card Info 檢索禮金券訊息
sales_tax_1 Sales Tax 銷售稅額 1
sales_tax_2 Sales Tax 2 銷售稅額 2
serialized_giftcards Serialized Gift Cards 排序禮金券
successful_adding You have successfully added Gift Card 新增禮金券成功
successful_bulk_edit You have successfully updated the selected Gift Card(s) 您已成功更新選定的禮品卡
successful_deleted You have successfully deleted 成功刪除禮金券
successful_updating You have successfully updated Gift Card 成功更新禮金券
supplier Supplier 供應商
tax_1 Tax 1 稅額 1
tax_2 Tax 2 稅額 2