Key English Chinese (Simplified)
$lang["giftcards_change_all_to_allow_alt_desc"] Allow alternate description for all. 充許全部ALT倒序
$lang["giftcards_csv_import_failed"] CSV import failed. CSV匯入失敗
$lang["giftcards_change_all_to_not_allow_allow_desc"] Do not allow alternate description for all. 不允許全部ALT倒序
$lang["giftcards_edit_fields_you_want_to_update"] Edit desired fields for selected Gift Card(s). 編輯所有選定的禮金券中你想要編輯的資料
$lang["giftcards_edit_multiple_giftcards"] Edit Multiple Gift Cards. 多重編輯
$lang["giftcards_cannot_use"] Gift Card %1 cannot be used for this sale: invalid Customer. Giftcard %1 cannot be used for this sale. Invalid Customer!
$lang["giftcards_error_adding_updating"] Gift Card add or update failed. 新增/更新禮金券錯誤
$lang["giftcards_cannot_find_giftcard"] Gift Card not found. 找不到禮金券的訊息
$lang["giftcards_number_required"] Gift Card Number is a required field. 請輸入禮金券編號
$lang["giftcards_number"] Gift Card Number must be a number. 禮金券編號需為數字
$lang["giftcards_error_updating_multiple"] Gift Card(s) update failed. 禮金券更新錯誤
$lang["giftcards_value_required"] Gift Card Value is a required field. 請輸入禮金券金額
$lang["giftcards_value"] Gift Card Value must be a number. 禮金券金額需為數字
$lang["giftcards_add_minus"] Inventory to add or subtract. 加/減庫存
$lang["giftcards_none_selected"] No Gift Card(s) selected to edit. 您還沒有選擇任何禮金券進行編輯
$lang["giftcards_no_giftcards_to_display"] No Gift Cards to display. 沒有禮金券可以顯示
$lang["giftcards_quantity_required"] Quantity is a required field. Please close (X) to cancel. 數量是必填字段。請按關閉(X)來取消
$lang["giftcards_must_select_giftcard_for_barcode"] You must select at least one (1) Gift Card to generate barcodes. 您必須選擇至少一個禮金券才能生成條形碼