Key English Chinese (Simplified)
$lang["giftcards_use_inventory_menu"] Use Inventory Menu 使用庫存清單
$lang["giftcards_card_value"] Value 金額
$lang["giftcards_cost_price"] Wholesale Price 成本價格
$lang["giftcards_successful_adding"] You have successfully added Gift Card 新增禮金券成功
$lang["giftcards_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted 成功刪除禮金券
$lang["giftcards_successful_updating"] You have successfully updated Gift Card 成功更新禮金券
$lang["giftcards_successful_bulk_edit"] You have successfully updated the selected Gift Card(s) 您已成功更新選定的禮品卡
$lang["giftcards_must_select_giftcard_for_barcode"] You must select at least one (1) Gift Card to generate barcodes. 您必須選擇至少一個禮金券才能生成條形碼