Key English Chinese (Traditional)
kit_and_components Kit and Components 套件和組件
kit_and_stock Kit and Stock 套件和組件
kit_only Kit Only 僅套件
name Item Kit Name 產品套件
new New Item Kit 新增產品套件
no_item_kits_to_display No Item Kits to display. 沒有產品套件.
none_selected You have not selected any Item Kits. 沒有選擇任何產品套件.
one_or_multiple Item Kit(s) 產品套件
price_option Price Option 價格選項
priced_only Priced Only 只定價
print_option Print Option 列印選項
quantity Quantity 數量
sequence Sequence 順序
successful_adding You have successfully added Item Kit 新增產品套件成功
successful_deleted You have successfully deleted 刪除成功
successful_updating You have successfully updated Item Kit 更新產品套件成功
update Update Item Kit 更新產品套件