Key English Croatian
cost_price Wholesale Price Nabavna cijena
cost_price_number Wholesale Price must be a number. Nabavna cijena mora biti broj
cost_price_required Wholesale Price is a required field. Nabavna cijena je potrebna
count Update Inventory Ažuriraj inveturu
csv_import_failed CSV import failed Greška kod uvoza iz CSV-a
csv_import_nodata_wrongformat The uploaded CSV file has no data or is formatted incorrectly. Your uploaded file has no data or wrong format
csv_import_partially_failed There were {0} item import failure(s) on line(s): {1}. No rows were imported. Most Items imported. But some were not, here is the list
csv_import_success Item CSV import successful. Import of Items successful
current_quantity Current Quantity Trenutna količina
default_pack_name Each
description Description Opis
details_count Inventory Count Details Pojedinosati o količinama inventure
do_nothing Do Nothing Ne radi ništa
edit_fields_you_want_to_update Edit the desired fields for selected item(s). Uredi polja koja želite urediti za sve odabrane stavke
edit_multiple_items Editing Multiple Items Uredi višestruke stavke
empty_upc_items Empty Barcode Items UPC artikal
error_adding_updating Error adding/updating item Greška kod dodavanja/ažuriranja stavke
error_updating_multiple Error updating items Greška kod ažuriranja stavki
generate_barcodes Generate Barcodes Generiraj barkod