Key English Croatian
$lang["items_successful_bulk_edit"] You have successfully updated the selected item(s) Uspješno ste ažurirali odabrane stavke
$lang["items_successful_updating"] You have successfully updated item Uspješno ste ažurirali artikl
$lang["items_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted Uspješno ste obrisali artikl
$lang["items_successful_adding"] You have successfully added item Uspješno ste dodali artikal
$lang["items_none_selected"] You have not selected any Item(s) to edit Niste odabrali nijedan artikal za uređivanje
$lang["items_cost_price_number"] Wholesale Price must be a number. Nabavna cijena mora biti broj
$lang["items_cost_price_required"] Wholesale Price is a required field. Nabavna cijena je potrebna
$lang["items_cost_price"] Wholesale Price Nabavna cijena
$lang["items_use_inventory_menu"] Use Inventory Menu Koristi inv. meni
$lang["items_update"] Update Item Ažuriraj artikl
$lang["items_count"] Update Inventory Ažuriraj inveturu
$lang["items_unit_price_number"] Unit price must be a number. Maloprodajna cijena mora biti broj
$lang["items_csv_import_nodata_wrongformat"] The uploaded CSV file has no data or is formatted incorrectly. Your uploaded file has no data or wrong format
$lang["items_csv_import_partially_failed"] There were %1 item import failure(s) on line(s): %2. No rows were imported. Most Items imported. But some were not, here is the list
$lang["items_temp"] Temporary
$lang["items_tax_percents"] Tax Percent(s) %-ci poreza
$lang["items_tax_percent_number"] Tax Percent must be a numeric value
$lang["items_tax_percent_required"] Tax Percent is a required field. % poreza je obavezan
$lang["items_tax_category"] Tax Category
$lang["items_tax_2"] Tax 2 Porez 2