Key English Tagalog
attributes Attributes Attributes
attributes_desc Add, Update, Delete, and Search attributes. Add, Update, Delete, and Search Cashups.
both Both Both
cashups Cashups Cashups
cashups_desc Add, Update, Delete, and Search Cashups. Add, Update, Delete, and Search Items.
config Configuration Configuration
config_desc Change OSPOS's Configuration. Change OSPOS's Configuration.
customers Customers Customers
customers_desc Add, Update, Delete, and Search Customers. Add, Update, Delete, and Search Suppliers.
employees Employees Employees
employees_desc Add, Update, Delete, and Search Employees. Add, Update, Delete, and Search Expenses.
expenses Expenses Expenses
expenses_categories Expenses Categories Expenses Categories
expenses_categories_desc Add, Update, and Delete Expenses Categories. Add, Update, and Delete Expenses Categories.
expenses_desc Add, Update, Delete, and Search Expenses. Add, Update, Delete, and Search Employees.
giftcards Gift Cards Gift Cards
giftcards_desc Add, Update, Delete and Search Gift Cards. Add, Update, Delete, and Search Customers.
home Home Home