Key English English (United Kingdom)
tax Tax Tax
tax_category Tax Category Tax Category
tax_name Tax Name Tax Name
tax_percent Tax Percent Tax Percent
tax_rate Tax Rate Tax Rate
taxes Taxes Taxes
taxes_summary_report Taxes Summary Report Taxes Summary Report
total Total Total
total_inventory_value Total Inventory Value Total Inventory Value
total_low_sell_quantity Total Low Sell Quantity Total Low Sell Quantity
total_quantity Total Quantity Total Quantity
total_retail Total Inv. Retail Value Total Inv. Retail Value
trans_amount Transaction Amount Transaction Amount
trans_due Due Due
trans_group Transaction Group Transaction Group
trans_nopay_sales Sales with no payment Sales with no payment
trans_payments Payments Payments
trans_refunded Refunded Refunded
trans_sales Sales Sales
trans_type Transaction Type Transaction Type