Key English Bosnian
id Sale ID ID prodaje
include_prices Include Prices? Uključi cijene?
invoice Invoice Faktura
invoice_confirm This invoice will be sent to Ova faktura će biti poslata na
invoice_enable Invoice Number Broj fakture
invoice_filter Invoices Fakture
invoice_no_email This customer does not have a valid email address. Kupac nema važeću adresu e-pošte.
invoice_number Invoice # Broj fakture
invoice_number_duplicate Invoice Number {0} must be unique. Broj fakture {0} mora biti jedinstven.
invoice_sent Invoice sent to Faktura poslata
invoice_total Invoice Total Ukupan iznos fakture
invoice_type_custom_invoice Custom Invoice (custom_invoice.php) Prilagođena faktura (custom_invoice.php)
invoice_type_custom_tax_invoice Custom Tax Invoice (custom_tax_invoice.php) Prilagođena poreska faktura (custom_tax_invoice.php)
invoice_type_invoice Invoice (invoice.php) Faktura (invoice.php)
invoice_type_tax_invoice Tax Invoice (tax_invoice.php) Poreska faktura (tax_invoice.php)
invoice_unsent Invoice failed to be sent to Faktura nije poslata
invoice_update Recount Ažuriranje
item_insufficient_of_stock Item has insufficient stock. Artikla nema dovoljno na zalihi.
item_name Item Name Naziv artikla