Key English Bosnian
item_number Item # Barkod
item_out_of_stock Item is out of stock. Artikal je rasprodan.
key_cancel Cancels Current Quote/Invoice/Sale Cancels Current Quote/Invoice/Sale
key_customer_search Customer Search Customer Search
key_finish_quote Finish Quote/Invoice without payment Finish Quote/Invoice witdout payment
key_finish_sale Add Payment and Complete Invoice/Sale Add Payment and Complete Invoice/Sale
key_function Function Function
key_help Shortcuts Shortcuts
key_help_modal Open Shortcuts Window Open Shortcuts Window
key_item_search Item Search Item Search
key_payment Add Payment Add Payment
key_suspend Suspend Current Sale Suspend Current Sale
key_suspended Show Suspended Sales Show Suspended Sales
key_tendered Edit Amount Tendered Edit Amount Tendered
key_title Sales Keyboard Shortcuts Sales Keyboard Shortcuts
mode Register Mode Mod registrovanja
must_enter_numeric Amount Tendered must be a number. Ponuđeni iznos mora biti broj.
must_enter_numeric_giftcard Gift Card Number must be a number. Broj poklon kartice mora biti broj.
new_customer New Customer Novi kupac