Key English Spanish
show_due Mostrar los Importes Adeudados
show_invoice Show Invoice Factura
show_receipt Show Receipt Recibo
start_typing_customer_name Start typing customer details... Empieza a escribir el cliente...
start_typing_item_name Start typing Item Name or scan Barcode... Empieza a escribir o escanea el código de barras...
stock Stock Inventario
stock_location Stock Location Localizacion
sub_total Subtotal SubTotal
successfully_deleted You have successfully deleted Borrada satisfactoriamente
successfully_restored You have successfully restored Restaurado satisfactoriamente
successfully_suspended_sale Sale suspend successful. La venta ha sido suspendida.
successfully_updated Sale update successful. La venta ha sido actualizada.
suspend_sale Suspend Suspender
suspended_doc_id Document Documento
suspended_sale_id ID Id
suspended_sales Suspended Suspendidas
table Table Datos
takings Daily Sales Ventas Diarias
tax Tax Imp
tax_id Tax Id Identificador del Impuesto