Key English Bosnian
$lang["taxes_tax_group_sequence"] Tax Group Sequence Redoslijed poreske grupe
$lang["taxes_sequence"] Seq. Sekv.
$lang["taxes_tax_category_code"] Tax Category Code Šifra poreske kategorije
$lang["taxes_code"] Code Šifra poreza
$lang["taxes_tax_code"] Tax Code Šifra poreza
$lang["taxes_tax_code_required"] Tax Code is a required field Šifra poreza je obavezna
$lang["taxes_tax_codes"] Tax Codes Šifre poreza
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_required"] Tax Rate is a required field Stopa poreza je obavezna
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_numeric"] Tax Rate must be a number Stopa poreza mora biti broj
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_updated"] You have successfully updated Uspješno ste ažurirali
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_successful_updated"] You have successfully updated Uspješno ste ažurirali
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_updating"] You have successfully updated Tax Code Uspješno ste ažurirali šifru poreza
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successfully_added"] You have successfully added Uspješno ste dodali
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_successfully_added"] You have successfully added Uspješno ste dodali
$lang["taxes_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted Uspješno ste izbrisali
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted Tax Code Uspješno ste izbrisali šifru poreza
$lang["taxes_tax_type"] Tax Type Vrsta poreza
$lang["taxes_tax_code_type"] Tax Code Type Vrsta šifre poreza
$lang["taxes_tax_rounding"] Tax Rounding Zaokruživanje poreza