Key English Italian
$lang["taxes_tax_jurisdictions_configuration"] Tax Jurisdictions Configuration Configurazione delle giurisdizioni fiscali
$lang["taxes_tax_rate"] Tax Rate Tasso di Imposta
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_error_adding_updating"] Tax Rate add or update failed Aggiunta o aggiornamento dell'aliquota fiscale non riuscita
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_configuration"] Tax Rate Configuration Configurazione dell'aliquota fiscale
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_required"] Tax Rate is a required field L'aliquota fiscale è un campo obbligatorio
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_numeric"] Tax Rate must be a number L'aliquota fiscale deve essere un numero
$lang["taxes_tax_rates"] Tax Rates Aliquote fiscali
$lang["taxes_tax_rates_configuration"] Tax Rates Configuration Configurazione delle aliquote fiscali
$lang["taxes_tax_rounding"] Tax Rounding Arrotondamento delle tasse
$lang["taxes_tax_type"] Tax Type Tipo Imposta
$lang["taxes_update"] Update Tax Rate Aggiorna Imposta Categoria
$lang["taxes_vat_tax"] VAT Tax IVA
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successfully_added"] You have successfully added Aggiunto correttamente
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_successfully_added"] You have successfully added Hai aggiunto con successo
$lang["taxes_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted Eliminato correttamente
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted Tax Code Hai eliminato con successo Codice Imposta
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_updated"] You have successfully updated Aggiornato correttamente
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_successful_updated"] You have successfully updated Hai aggiornato con successo
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_updating"] You have successfully updated Tax Code Codice Imposta aggiornato correttamente