Key English Swedish
tax_code_duplicate Duplicate Tax Code Kopiera skattekoden
tax_code_invalid_chars Invalid Characters in Tax Code Ogiltiga tecken i skattekod
tax_code_name Tax Code Name Skattkodsnamn
tax_code_required Tax Code is a required field Skattekoden är ett obligatoriskt fält.
tax_code_successful_deleted You have successfully deleted Tax Code Du har raderat Skattekoden
tax_code_successful_updated You have successfully updated Du har uppdaterat
tax_code_successful_updating You have successfully updated Tax Code Du har uppdaterat Skattekoden
tax_code_successfully_added You have successfully added Du har lagt till
tax_code_type Tax Code Type Skattkodstyp
tax_codes Tax Codes Skattekoder
tax_codes_configuration Tax Codes Configuration Skattkodskonfiguration
tax_codes_saved_successfully Tax Code changes saved Skattkodsändringar sparade
tax_codes_saved_unsuccessfully Tax Code changes not saved Skattkodsändringar sparades inte
tax_excluded Tax excluded Skatt exkluderad
tax_group Tax Group Skattegrupp
tax_group_not_unique Tax Group {0} is not unique Skattegrupp{0} är inte unik
tax_group_sequence Tax Group Sequence Skattgruppsekvens
tax_included Tax included Skatt ingår
tax_jurisdiction Tax Jurisdiction Skattejurisdiktion
tax_jurisdiction_duplicate Duplicate Tax Jurisdiction Dubblett skattejurisdiktion