Key English Vietnamese
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_updating"] You have successfully updated Tax Code Bạn đã cập nhật Mã thuế thành công
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_updated"] You have successfully updated Bạn đã cập nhật thành công
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_successful_updated"] You have successfully updated
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted Tax Code Bạn đã xóa thành công Mã thuế
$lang["taxes_successful_deleted"] You have successfully deleted Bạn đã xóa thành công
$lang["taxes_tax_code_successfully_added"] You have successfully added Bạn đã thêm thành công
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_successfully_added"] You have successfully added
$lang["taxes_vat_tax"] VAT Tax Thuế VAT
$lang["taxes_update"] Update Tax Rate Cập nhật Thuế thể loại bán hàng
$lang["taxes_tax_type"] Tax Type
$lang["taxes_tax_rounding"] Tax Rounding
$lang["taxes_tax_rates_configuration"] Tax Rates Configuration
$lang["taxes_tax_rates"] Tax Rates
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_numeric"] Tax Rate must be a number Tỷ suất thuế phải là dạng số.
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_required"] Tax Rate is a required field Trường Tỷ suất thuế là bắt buộc.
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_configuration"] Tax Rate Configuration
$lang["taxes_tax_rate_error_adding_updating"] Tax Rate add or update failed
$lang["taxes_tax_rate"] Tax Rate Tỷ suất thuế
$lang["taxes_tax_jurisdictions_configuration"] Tax Jurisdictions Configuration
$lang["taxes_tax_jurisdictions"] Tax Jurisdictions