Key English Chinese (Simplified)
tax_category_name Tax Category Name 税种名称
tax_category_new New Tax Category 新建税种
tax_category_required Tax Category is Required 税种为必填项
tax_code Tax Code 税码
tax_code_cannot_be_deleted Tax Code delete failed 税码删除失败
tax_code_duplicate Duplicate Tax Code 重复税码
tax_code_invalid_chars Invalid Characters in Tax Code 税码中存在无效字符
tax_code_name Tax Code Name 税码名称
tax_code_required Tax Code is a required field 税码为必填项
tax_code_successful_deleted You have successfully deleted Tax Code 您已经成功删除税码
tax_code_successful_updated You have successfully updated 您已成功更新
tax_code_successful_updating You have successfully updated Tax Code 您已成功更新税码
tax_code_successfully_added You have successfully added 添加成功
tax_code_type Tax Code Type 税码类型