Key English Chinese (Simplified)
confirm_delete Are you sure you want to delete this Tax Code? This action cannot be undone 您确定要删除税码吗?这个操作不可撤销
confirm_restore Are you sure you want to restore selected Tax Code(s)? 您确定要还原所选的税码吗?
default_tax_category Default Tax Category 默认税种
default_tax_rate Default Tax Rate 预设税率
error_adding_updating Tax Code add or update failed 税码添加或更新失败
jurisdiction_name Jurisdiction Name 税收管辖区名称
name Name 税费名称
new New Tax 新建税
no_taxes_to_display No Taxes Code available to display 没有可显示的税码
reporting_authority Reporting Authority 报告机关
successful_deleted You have successfully deleted 您已成功删除
tax_categories Tax Categories 税种
tax_categories_configuration Tax Categories Configuration 税种配置
tax_categories_saved_successfully Tax Categories changes saved 税种更改保存成功
tax_categories_saved_unsuccessfully Tax Categories changes not saved 税种更改保存失败
tax_category Tax Category 税种
tax_category_code Tax Category Code 税种编码
tax_category_duplicate Duplicate tax category 重复税种
tax_category_invalid_chars Invalid characters in tax category name 税种名称中存在无效字符