Key English German (Switzerland)
attribute_value_invalid_chars Attribute value cannot contain '_' or '
confirm_delete Are you sure you want to delete the selected attribute(s)?
confirm_restore Are you sure you want to restore the selected attribute(s)?
definition_cannot_be_deleted Could not delete selected attribute(s)
definition_error_adding_updating Attribute {0} could not be added or updated. Please check the error log.
definition_flags Attribute Visibility
definition_group Group
definition_id Id
definition_name Add Attribute
definition_name_required Attribute name is a required field
definition_one_or_multiple attribute(s)
definition_successful_adding You have successfully added item
definition_successful_deleted You have successfully deleted
definition_successful_updating You have successfully updated attribute
definition_type Attribute Type
definition_type_required Attribute type is a required field
definition_unit Measurement Unit
definition_values Attribute Values
new New Attribute
no_attributes_to_display No Attributes to display