Key English Bosnian
account_number Account # Račun #
account_number_duplicate Account Number is already present in the database. Broj računa već postoji u bazi podataka.
available_points Points Available Dostupni poeni
average Average spent Prosječna potrošnja
avg_discount Average discount Prosječni popust
basic_information Information Informacija
cannot_be_deleted Could not delete selected customers, one or more of the selected customers has sales. Ne može se izbrisati izabrani kupac, jer jedan ili više izabranih kupaca imaju prodaju.
company_name Company Kompanija
confirm_delete Are you sure you want to delete the selected customer(s)? Želite li izbrisati izabranog kupca?
confirm_restore Are you sure you want to restore selected customers(s)? Da li ste sigurni da želite da povratite izabranog kupca?
consent Registration consent Pristanak na registraciju
consent_required Registration consent is a required field. Prihvatanje registracije je obavezno polje.
csv_import_failed CSV import failed Greška kod uvoza iz CSV-a
csv_import_nodata_wrongformat The uploaded file has no data or is incorrectly formatted. Učitana datoteka nema podataka ili je pogrešno formatirana.
csv_import_partially_failed Customer import successful with some failures: Uvoz klijenata je uspio sa nekim greškama:
csv_import_success Customer import successful. Uvoz korisnika je uspješan.
customer Customer Kupac
date Date Datum
discount Discount Popust